
Prakash Plastimach Moved Design & Production From China to Chennai

Prakash Plastimach Moved Design & Production From China to Chennai

Indian plastic processing machinery producers having bases overseas are turning back to the domestic turf considering positive market conditions, improving business scenario and buoyant plastic sector.

Chennai based Prakash Plastimach producing machines in neighboring China but later decided to enter the Indian market. “We used to design and produce machines as per our specifications in China five years ago and caters export market from China. And we thought why to give all the opportunity to China with all our design and we decided to revert back to the domestic turf and set-up base in India,” informed R Manavalan, Managing Director, Prakash Plastimach to Modern Plastics at the recently concluded Plastifocus 2024 in New Delhi.

An ISO 9000 certified manufacturing facility located at Chennai, and carry out design, manufacture and assembly of high-quality plastic processing machineries like PVC/CPVC/HDPE/PPR Pipe, Profile and Pelletizing Extrusion Lines with its ancillaries.

Prakash Plastimach zeroed-on for the suitable site for production base in the Southern part of the country in Chennai. “We belong to S India and having lot of resources in the cities of Coimbatore, Chennai, Hyderabad & Bangalore, which also helps us in the developing strong vendor base.”

The company provides complete solutions in field of plastic processing equipment, having extensive technical expertise of over 30 years in providing solutions to the plastic extrusion industry.

Now the company has been able to build strong customer base in the overseas market.  It now exports machinery, which is completely ‘Made-in-India’ as not a single component imported from China or any other country. “We are using the motor, gearboxes developed by our vendor base at Coimbatore for all ranges. We have also introduced for the first time in India, a user-friendly, rust-proof vacuum calibration tank, introduced for the first time in India at the Plastfoucs show. It gives higher productivity and consumes less energy  for the Indian market.”

Prakash Plastimach claims to have superior technology compared to other Indian brands besides offering machines and components at a highly competitive price range. The strong vendor base developed in cities like Coimbatore, Chennai and Bangalore helps it to produce quality machines and components in India for the domestic and export market.

Its design team is working on a new line and developing extrusion line for oPVC pipe downstream. “The new line would likely to be launched soon, targeted for the Indian and Middle Eastern market considering the growing usage of oPVC pipes in the domestic and in the Middle East market.”

Chennai based machinery manufacturer seeks export incentives for the companies exporting ‘Make-in-India’ machines “Our machines produced solely with the components developed by our vendor base, therefore, government should offer more export incentives in order to strengthen companies manufacturing in the domestic market for export purposes.”

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